Renowned traditional healer and DJ, Gogo Skhotheni, is mourning the heartbreaking loss of her three-year-old son, Monde Junior Shange, who passed away on September 2nd, 2024. The young boy had been battling health issues since birth and spent much of his life in the hospital.
Gogo Skhotheni has been open about her son’s strength and resilience, often sharing updates on his condition with her followers. In a heartfelt Instagram post, she shared the devastating news, asking for privacy as her family navigates this painful loss.
Rumors have emerged that Gogo Skhotheni suspects her sangoma rival, Gogo Maweni, of allegedly bewitching her child to death. The two healers have a history of animosity, having once been embroiled in a public feud.
The grieving process has been further complicated by these claims, igniting conversations in the traditional healer community and among their followers. Whether or not these claims hold any truth, the loss of Monde Junior is a profound tragedy for Gogo Skhotheni and her family.
The heartfelt messages from her followers reflect the impact this little boy had on all who knew him or followed his story. As the family navigates this difficult time, they have asked for privacy and understanding.